Tuch Fantasia
Mein Tuch ´Fantasia´ist gertig, das Stricken hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht und das verwendete Garn ließ sich wunderbar stricken...
Alpaka-Lace und Anleitung von der `Wolllust´.....
I finished the triangular shawl called ´Fantasia´.Knitting this was a lot of fun and the yarn is really wonderful, Both ( the yarn Alpaka-lace and the pattern ) are available at the shop ´Die-Wollust.de´

Alpaka-Lace und Anleitung von der `Wolllust´.....
I finished the triangular shawl called ´Fantasia´.Knitting this was a lot of fun and the yarn is really wonderful, Both ( the yarn Alpaka-lace and the pattern ) are available at the shop ´Die-Wollust.de´

Quiltkarin - 10. Dez, 11:09